Our Process

Selling your own or investment property with Peacor Property Solution is quick, simple and straight forward and the whole process can be completed within four weeks – therefore offering speed and certainty to property owners and investors.

Below are our four simple steps that we apply to our property buying process:

  1. Your Property (fact finding consultation)

    Once you contact us (or we contact you) our first point of call is to find out more about your property and your situation. We do this by doing a quick and yet rigorous due diligence i.e. find out your reason for selling your property, how soon you are looking to sell, information about your property including its current condition, whether it’s tenanted or vacant, purchase price and whether you are open to offers. As a property investment company, we deal with property owners and investors who are open to a discounted sale as we are unable to offer full market price or what you are asking for. This process only takes a few minutes as we only ask for basic information about the property and your situation. If the property information fits our criteria, we may then arrange a viewing of the property in order to make a real assessment and also to determine it’s condition and/or the level of work/refurb required (if any).

  2. Making our initial offer

    After assessing the condition and the value of the property which is initially based on the information provided by you, from the viewing of the property as well as other comparable property data, we then make an offer via email. This is done within 48 hours of viewing your property. Please note that our offer is subject to survey and other factors i.e. searches. If you are still interested in our offer and accept, we can then discuss further our buying process.

  3. Due diligence and legal

    If you are happy with our offer and accept it in writing we then instruct our solicitors to start the process. You are also requested to do the same with yours. Please note that we only deal with solicitors who know and understand how our quick sale process works. Should you require to use property solicitors who specialise in quick sale services we are happy to introduce you to the ones on our recommended panel. Once both parties have been notified and instructed to proceed, other legal matters such as conveying, searches, warranties or compliances are proceeded as well. This process usually takes four weeks to complete and we aim to complete the purchase within this window as long as the property owner is moving on the same pace to avoid further delays.

  4. Exchange and Completion

    After all the legal work has been carried out and completed and everything goes according to plan, we aim to complete and exchange on the same day.